I'm rethinking this blog.
I used to write. I wrote horrifically long papers in college and loved it. I wrote angsty emo poetry in high school and loved it. I wrote short stories when I was a child and loved it. I kept a journal on and off growing up and loved it on and off.
I haven't been writing very much for a few years now. I'm not quite sure in what form I want to write these days, but I know that the urge is there. So, I'm going to turn to this blog for a little while.
As a result, I'm going to be expanding my original subject matter a little. My life has changed so that I'm spending a lot of time at home with my little one. As a result, my shift of interests has changed dramatically. Now, I spend most of my waking hours thinking about diapers, homemaking, and green products. While all of these things have been brewing for quite some time, my focus has sharpened quite dramatically. So, why not take advantage of that by writing about it and sharing about it. After all, all of these things are part of my journey into becoming a better person, more whole and healed and turning closer towards what I think it is that God wants me to do while I'm here.
I'm hoping to participate in Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real today but I have yet to begin charging my camera batteries. Hopefully, I'll be on to that next (after I throw a load of laundry into the dryer!).