Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Door Knockers and the Homeless

A few minutes ago, a minivan pulled up in front of my house.  I might not normally have noticed such a thing, except that I happened to be by my kitchen window washing dishes, and my dogs alerted me to potential visitors.

Six well-dressed folks poured out of the van and started walking around.  Jehovah's Witnesses.  Two women came to my door and read me a short bible verse.  God wants us to be happy and at peace.  I let them leave a couple of magazines with me, and then they left.  I sure don't mind a well-meaning person reading me some scripture, wishing me a good day, and departing.  I always try to be as polite as possible to door-knockers of all forms, because I know that many people prefer to just slam the door in peoples' faces (how rude!).

I really am not a fan of evangelicism.  Not a bit.  However, I believe in the power of the words of the bible being spoken aloud, and it was quite a nice midday reminder of God's love.  These particular people, along with missionaries, are doing what they can to be witnesses to God.  They believe that one way of doing this is sharing the good word.  I can respect that, whether or not I'd choose to do it myself.

The other night I went to KFC right before they closed (late-night craving, what can I say?).  I held the door for a man lugging some chicken wings and a suitcase, and he said "God bless you."  This man was probably homeless- he had an unopened can of beer on him, and had clearly been imbibing some already, and was dragging his belongings around him in not such a nice place in town.  What if he deeply meant this?  Someone who, on many unknown levels, has seemingly not been blessed can still warmly wish well upon others.  I thought about this on my way home, in my warm car, to my house full of food that I was ignoring in preference to fast-food.  I have been blessed in many apparent ways: all of my basic human needs are being met.  I have a home, a job, an education (whether I'm using it or not in my employment...this is something I really need to get over), a family, and a loving husband. 

Obviously, this man doesn't know any of this about me when he wished God's blessings upon me...The Witnesses today did not know that I already have God in my life and don't wish to join their church...But those things are irrelevant.  In both scenarios, these people are being witnesses to God's love.  They are wishing well upon others, wishing happiness and peace, despite (probably) being ignored by others and viewed as pests.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

I have had experiences like this with homeless people... it is quite something...